Back in March I had made a pledge to my wife on a PostIt Note that I wouldn't buy wood or tools until November. She promptly taped it up on the bathroom mirror. Since now it is now November, thought I'd provide an update on how I did.
I wasn't perfect but I did really good. I didn't buy any tools for 6 months. Even passed up on some really good used tool deals in the local woodworking club I belong to. As for wood, I broke the pledge once. For the Shaker chimney cabinet, I had planned to use 3/8" cherry in the front and back frame and panel. The wood dried and developed a cup in it. I thought I could flatten it out enough during glue ups to make it fit. In little test sections, I could but when I tried the dry fit for the whole frame and panel. I had to make a choice on what to do. Given the size of the work, my first time working on this scale, I decided to break the pledge on buy some Baltic birch for the back and cherry veneered stuff for the front.
So yes, I broke the pledge however, that was the only time. In that regard, I was very happy with how well I did.
With Christmas coming up, I haven't gone tool crazy. Also, I have enough wood at home to make some other items before I get to the item I really want to make. The next piece that I really want to make is a Limbert No 355 bookcase. I want to make it out of Honduran Mahogany. It's a wood I haven't worked with and I think it will look nice with this piece. The wood will be spendy so I need to save up for it.