09 April 2022

Installing New Clock on Gift Clock

 About 6ish years ago, my wife gave me a "mantle" clock.  After installing the batteries, we realized the clock mechanism was broken.  At the time, we were too busy with our 4 year old and careers to follow up with the company we purchase it from to address this.  Finally, I have gotten around to dealing with it.  

After much tinkering, I figured out how to disassemble the clock itself from the wooden front.  With the clock mechanism out, I found some sort part number on it.  I did a bunch of internet searching but couldn't find the comparable part.  As such, I knew i was going to have to do something different.  I looked for replacement size clocks and this turned out to be quite difficult.  I was in some sort of non-Goldilocks size.  I could find bigger clock faces and smaller ones but I had a heck of a tough time finding the diameter I needed (give or take a quarter inch).  After an hour of searching, I had found one (Hobson's choice as it were) and ordered it from Kockit.

I used a piece of scrap plywood to create a wooden round that fit the old opening (that will eventually be hidden).  I scraped off the finish on the mantle piece where the glue would be applied and then glued and clamped it in place.  Turns out I had a hole saw of the proper size for the needed hole for the clock insert.  My part is finished.  Though the plywood won't be seen, my wife (a very good artist)  painted it so it matches the finish on the clock.  That way, when the clock is pulled out to change the battery it won't have such a jarring color discrepancy.

This wasn't a huge time consuming project (3 to 4 leisurely hours spread over a week or so).  However, there was great satisfaction in getting it done and off my to do list as it had been there for a number of years.

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