30 April 2022


 When I made this shaker chimney cabinet 6ish months ago, I had noticed that the wood looked different on the drawers and some of the stiles.  I had assumed it was likely due to it being a different board.  The other day, I thought it could be due to the way the light interacted with the grain by the drawers and stiles being perpendicular to the other boards.  In other words, chatoyance.  So, the other day, I removed some of the drawers and rotated them to see if they looked more like the stiles.  Was hard to get a good photo but indeed they did.  Thus, the striking contrast in the way the cherry looks is due to its chatoyance.  Cool.


  1. I remember reading about this elsewhere. Thanks for jogging my memory. Your pictures solidify the issue.

  2. You are most welcome. This is probably the most extreme example I've encountered in my work so far.
