04 January 2022

Getting Past the Ick Stage - My Mind Plays Games

 For Christmas, I received a Gramercy 12" Bow Saw Kit from Tools for Working Word.  Thank you sweetie.  I like building my own tools and try and do at least one a year.  The instructions are pretty good and this past weekend I was roughing out the shapes of the two sides.

What I find fascinating is that after six years of woodworking, my mind messes with me.  Typically things get to look ugly going from S4S wood before getting to the final form.  I've done enough projects in six years and I know this.  However, I often find myself rattled and have some self doubt.  I was fitting this project in between another one and I had to stop for a few days at the ugly stage before I could further refine it.  

The above image is what one near completion looks like relative to the rough stage.  I wish it wouldn't feel me with self doubt but that few day gap in getting to finish it weighed a bit on me.  It turned out like I knew it would.  Yes, why do/did I worry (maybe worry is too strong of a word).  Do others have this happen?  I'm guessing yes.  

I'm happy with the progress on the frame of the bow saw.  Eventually, I will get a longer blog out about it but I have a few others to publish first.


  1. Self doubt is easy to come by. A small project like this is pretty easy to get beyond it. If you screw up, grab another piece of stock and start over. Material cost is pocket change on this one. Only you can put a value on your time. I keep on track with my new mantra “They make more.”
    You will love the bow saw. The blades are great. I made one and then modified an older Marples bow saw to take the Gramercy blades. The original blade was way too thick and difficult to work with even when sharp.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. You are correct about the material costs. It was literally scrap but nice straight grained scrap. I hope the cherry holds up. If not, easy enough to do as you pointed out. I am looking forward to this saw. As I type this (09Jan2022), I am just putting on the final coats of shellac. I like to wait a few days before waxing. As such, I will get to give it run in a week or less. Can't wait.
