21 May 2022

A cool used book I found and my budding woodworking library

 I like to look for used books.  Recently I was in a book store and found this book called Houses of the Founding Fathers that was published in 2007 by Artisan.  It was only $10!  I was excited.  What I like about it was that it showed very nice homes from 200+ years ago.  In these homes these is lots of nice period furniture.  

I don't have any immediate use for this book BUT as I am deciding on what pieces of furniture, I can use this book for potential inspiration.  I'd like to think that many of these pieces in those homes will be exemplar.   It is also a cool thought of if I find something I like, it leads to a potential conversation with my family that this pieces is a "replicate" of a piece that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc had in their home.  

About six months ago I had posted a question on the Fine Woodworking forum on what books I could get that had good examples of period furniture in them.  I didn't receive much feedback.  Such is life.  This book is certainly one source.  Another excellent source (best I've found to date) is the Society of American Period Furniture Makers (SAPFM.org).  Firstly, I didn't know such a society existed.  It is way cool.  If you are a member, you get the annual magazine that comes out.  Many of the articles go along the lines of I though X was cool and I wanted to make it.  In Y's book, there are many examples of such work ....  As such, I simply copy the title and author of the books mentioned from these articles and past them into Amazon and lo and behold, there are often inexpensive used copies of these books.  Amazing books can be had for not much.  

Little by little I have been building up a nice library of period furniture photos. I like books and have woodworking books is nice.


  1. Nice Collection.Two good books of period furniture that I don't see in your collection:
    Furniture in the Southern Style by Huey and Lang and my all time favorite, American Furniture of of the 18th Century by Jeffrey Greene

    1. Thanks for the feedback. Picked up the Greene book on Amazon used to be delivered to my home for $10. The Huey and Lang book was running $35 used so I've put it on my list and will keep and eye on it to see if I can get it more inexpensively or put it on a gift list when folks ask me what I want for my birthday, Christmas, etc. Most of my Lost Art Press books came to me that way.

    2. Enjoy your new book. The section on cabriole legs is worth the price alone.
